40 Day Yoga Challenge


commit deeply to your yoga practice

October 1 - November 9, 2023

Are you tired of being held back by those stubborn, unhealthy habits that seem impossible to shake?

it's time for a transformation

The 40-Day Yoga Challenge is not just another fitness program; it’s a profound shift in your lifestyle. Imagine what you could achieve if you dedicated 40 days to your physical and mental well-being through the power of yoga. Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, strength, and serenity?

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The Benefits

Be supported by instructors who will empower you to unlock your full potential.

Replace Bad Habits: Say goodbye to those detrimental habits that have been holding you back, whether it’s stress-eating, procrastination, or lack of motivation.

Expand Your Mind: Yoga enhances mental clarity, focus, and self-awareness, allowing you to make healthier choices and break free from self-destructive patterns.

Strengthen Your Resolve: As you conquer challenging poses and daily practice, you’ll build resilience and discipline that extend far beyond the yoga mat.

meeting you where you are on your wellness journey

The 40 Day Yoga Challenge

Yoga is the ultimate tool for holistic transformation. It goes beyond the physical postures; it delves into the depths of your mind, spirit, and soul.

are you ready?

How do you commit?

If you’re already a member or have a pricing option like a punch pass or an intro pass, all you have to do is put your name on the sign up sheet that will be hanging up on the wall in the studio. 

If you’re new to our studio, you can join us for the 40 days of unlimited yoga with our special pricing option of $100+GST. 

Register now for The 40 Day Yoga Challenge and transform your life, one breath at a time.